Some have been asking for help on the exact definintion of "funky attire."

Not to get "far out" or anything, but we believe that clothing is not just a familiar social practice but be an expression of self. Of course, changing what you wear can affect your self as well as your self affects your choice in clothes, so the question you have to ask yourself is: "If I'm going to a party, how do I want to feel?"

When this band parties, it's going to be groovy, loud, ostentatious, smooth, and sharp. So if you're going to dress to fit the vibe of this party, dress along those lines. We ourselves tend towards the loud and ostentatious mode of dress, for example:


But for those who aren't up to that level of visual bombardment, the cool and groovy look can work as well. A worthy example will be forthcoming.


If you've consulted your closet and have realized that you're in sore need of some new funky duds, we highly recommend the back room of the Garment District.